Our Team

Nada is originally from Palestine, and grew up in North Carolina, Chicago, and Kuwait. She studied Nutrition in Public Health at UC Davis, California and transitioned into Public Relations and Marketing at Mount Saint Vincent University. Giving back, helping others win and grow, and exploring tech and music has brought Nada to different roles and passions.

Before Venor, Nada helped manage the National Connector Program and supported Halifax’s labour market, facilitating the career growth of immigrants, local and international students. Between her time at the Halifax Partnership and Venor, Nada supported the programming and communications functions of the first logistics and supply chain living lab to open in Canada – The PIER.   

Nada is about creative endeavors, balance, soul work, and traveling. You can find this foodie exploring local restaurants and cafes and trying her hand in the kitchen. Otherwise, you’ll find her reconnecting with nature, practicing yoga, teaching dance, engaging in various sports, dancing, or DJing.