The First Day of School Feeling
We all know that first day of school feeling that we’ve had as a kid. The night before some kids organize their school supplies to make sure everything is in order, some kids set goals for themselves for the year, and some kids organize their back to school outfits to make sure they were pristine for that first day of classes (I was definitely one of those kids). Despite your approach, a lot of kids shared some of the same emotions before heading back to school. I always experienced feelings of excitement, nervousness, fear, and motivation all at once when prepping for back to school.
As I transition into my new role at Venor, I’ve felt that first day of school feeling that I haven’t felt for the past 4 years. The night before I started day 1, I found myself doing the similar things that I used to do to prepare for school. I made sure all my work supplies were in order, mapped out my goals and approach to my new role, and I even ironed my shirt and pants to make sure they were pristine. I also experienced that same feeling of excitement, nervousness, fear, and motivation that I’ve felt before kick starting another school year.
Harnessing the ‘Back To School’ Emotions
As I reflected on these emotions, I asked myself why I was able to draw these parallels between going back to school and moving into a new role, a new company, and even a new industry? The main reasons for these similar feelings is because when you were starting a new school year, this usually comes with a new year of challenges, goals, obstacles, and meeting new people. All of which holds true when moving into a new job or role.
However, the important piece for me was how I harnessed these emotions associated with the back to school feeling, and to ensure I used those emotions to fuel and motivate me to hit the ground running as I moved into a new role and industry. For me, using a conscious approach with these emotions allows me to not only channel them but also apply a healthy amount of pressure and accountability on myself. From there I am able to ensure I enter this new role or opportunity fresh, energized, and with a new outlook and perspective.
Making the Change
With my experience in the digital agency and media buying space over the past 4 years, I am making the jump into the recruitment and talent solutions industry. There are many reasons for the change in roles, but the main reason being the opportunity to use my experience and expertise that I’ve gained in the agency space to strategically work together with Venor clients and candidates, to ensure they are both pursuing mutual successes that are the right fit for them.
One thing I learned from my digital marketing experience, is that there are many layers to digital marketing, most of which clients won’t even get a chance to fully wrap their head around. My goal stepping into this new role is to help better understand Venor clients’ and candidates’ needs, and use my experience to ensure we find the right fit both skill wiseand culturally, layer by layer.
More Thought Leadership to Come
I’ve always wanted to put myself out there more as a thought leader and openly share my ideas, and opinions more often. Therefore, one of the goals I’ve set for myself as I transition into this new role was to share more content around my thoughts. That being said, this blog will be the first of many I plan to share on my authentic thoughts related to recruitment, digital marketing, sales, community building, trends I notice, and whatever else that comes to mind that may be of interest.
Helping Others Experience “The First Day of School” Feeling
Now that I am a few weeks into Venor, it’s safe to say that the novelty of the back to school emotions have worn off. I am now feeling refreshed, focused, and motivated to tackle all of the new challenges and obstacles coming my way.
Getting a recent taste of how great that back to school feeling was especially moving into a role that I feel is a great fit for me, I cannot wait to dive in and help others feel the same as they look at entering a new space..
To anyone within my network who is looking for the right talent solutions for their organizations, especially within the marketing, sales, or community building space, I am happy to help!
To all of the diverse, talented, and hungry individuals within my network who are looking for the right role, or seeking that scary but rewarding back to school feeling, I am your guy!